MPA has an extensive library of publications. All are available in pdf format, and we have limited stocks of some printed materials. Visit our library, browse and download our publications.
The long-term reserve base upon which the aggregates sector and its customers are so dependent remains under pressure, with annual sales continuing to exceed the rate that new reserves are being permitted or ‘replenished’.
Published: 2023
In this report, the MPA highlights the industry’s significant contribution to the UK economy through the domestic production of construction and industrial mineral products from 2,300 active quarries and plants nationwide.
With a general election approaching, the MPA is urging all parties to carefully consider the supply of essential domestic mineral products in their manifesto pledges on housing and transport, schools and hospitals, flood defences and renewable energy infrastructure. In this document, the MPA outlines the three fundamental issues that the next Government needs to get to grips with to support UK industry - accelerating decarbonisation, boosting economic growth and delivering critical infrastructure.
Published: 2024
This report provides a thorough assessment of the historic, current and future trends in the construction and mineral products markets across every region of Great Britain.
The MPA Charter is the vehicle that will enable the Vision for 2025 and the Strategic Priorities to be achieved by; Driving Change, Raising Standards and Improving Perceptions. Published: 2023
The UK Minerals Strategy, prepared on behalf of the mineral products industry by the CBI Minerals Group and MPA, highlights that UK demand for minerals and mineral products over the next 25 years will be at least 8 billion tonnes, most of which needs to be sourced from within the UK. The second edition of the Strategy was published in October 2022
Published: 2022
Everything we use in daily life - from our homes to our mobile phones - is made with minerals that are quarried or mined. The places we live, learn, work and play, how we travel, and the way we receive goods and services depend on mineral products. Published: 2022
Following the launch of the MPA Charter in 2017, MPA's Sustainable Development data is now set out to align with our 7 Strategic Priorities. The overall objectives within these 7 priorities are set out in this document, together with a number of targets. The identification of objectives and targets will evolve as the MPA Charter is implemented.
As the UK recovers from the Coronavirus pandemic, adjusts to the post-Brexit world and takes on the net zero challenge, our industry will continue to supply the essential materials needed to build new homes and infrastructure, and supply strategic and foundation industries including the utilities, manufacturing and agriculture but needs to be supported by the right policies.
Within the pages of this book we have captured just some of the countless fantastic achievements of this essential industry in supporting nature recovery over the last 50 years. I admit it’s been a tall order, if only because of the scale of the task, so I hope that we have done the mineral extraction and mineral products sector justice.
Published: 2021
Dimension Stone Producers are economically and culturally significant, producing 1 million tonnes of high value stone annually. Dimension stone is used widely in new construction but is also of key importance to heritage assets and local distinctiveness.
Published: 2015